Eid Mubarak is Coming Soon


When You see the mall or big supermarket, people are super crowded around the mall. They are shopping like a crazy people. I know why, I mean the mall make a big sale in the Eid Mubarak because the majority of people are Muslim.

No wonder when you go to cashier, You need to wait because the line is too long, Even your feet will feel numb at the same time.

Everyone seems so happy to welcome this big day, Eid Mubarak. The day that We feel just like new born baby, We forgive the mistake behind and forget the past. The essential of this Eid Mubarak is about having good relationship as well with relatives, friends, also family. Then maybe in the last year, We hurt people unintentionally and maybe because we can’t fulfill the hope from other people as well.

In my culture, We woke up in the early morning then shower, Well I really hate shower with cold water. Then we prepare ourself to get ready, Maybe doing some make up, the dress and get something to eat as well. We walked to the mosque becasue it’s nearby the house then, We eat together.

After finished eating, We are gonna face to face with my parents, Then, We ask the forgiveness to them. Some people are crying, some people just smile.

Then, What will happen next? We are gonna walk and visit door to door to do the same thing, asking for forgiveness also just talk for a bit with the people,Some of them even offering some snack and heavy food. Well, That’s gonna be a big day for your stomach, No worries, Everything you eat is free.

Once I heard the kids who come door to door, they are looking for pocket money from the people, The kids will ask his friends, How much do you get today? While show off what they got already. Well, When will you get money from the people? This is the day. Hahaha

I still remember the day when I got some money after Eid Mubarak, for the first time in my life, I bought swimsuit. I still remember, The color is pink and navy. I would love to have that. I am always proud to wear it. it made me excited everytime I swim in the hotel where my dad work.

Finally, I would love to say that Eid Mubarak is not only a big day to eat or forgiving each other but also building up the relationship again. So Let’s celebrate it but don’t forget to keep yourself and family safe from the virus.


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