Just Talk: Stand For Palestine


I was so sad to hear about our brother and sister in Palestine. How many children, woman and citizen has been killed and got bomb every year by Israel. It happened more than years by years and never got any solutions. What’s the other country say about this situation? All what they did just cursed What Israel did but didn’t do anything that much.

I mean don’t you know how many countries in this world that declared They are free from colonialist? But look at Palestine now, Are they free? Are they normal people who can just sit down nicely and get the best education? NO!

This is not the first time, The conflict get worse. It’s been already many years and people just shut their eyes and ignore what happened. Where’s your heart? When every single kid lose their parents, Their house even losing their life at the same time.

Do not only see this as an international relationship but see this problem happened with your heart. Don’t you know that year by year the land of palestine has been occupied by Israel? they said Israel is legal state, and Palestine is stateless. Is this fair?

It is not only because we as muslim, we have that bond as brother and sister, but We can’t do anything except pray and give some donation now. This is about humanity. We are human who had a heart, nobody in this world love to be killed, attacked by others.

So let’s do something even little things for Palestine, They are really suffer there, lack of food, medication, even house to stay. May Allah grant you Hidayah and health.


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