Just Talk: Blessings

In Asia, a blessing from our parents is matters. Without her/his blessings, Most people think They can’t live easily. Without blessing from parents, your married life is not a long last thing.

Talk about a blessing, I have my own story. My mom is a bit strict person who not easy to give her blessings. I mean I can’t go without her blessing though.

Once, I was in High school. I still remember I was 16 years old at that time. I followed an exchange student to the USA. Well, People are called AFS ( American Field Service). Running away from home is one of my big wish lists to do that time. To be honest, I got a hard time in my puberty, It was not because I was picky about friends but how to socialize with other people while I didn’t feel that I will fit with people around me. Even though I didn’t care that much.

So I decided to apply to those exchange students and hope I can pass the test then talked to my mom and asked her blessings. I gave my best effort, I studied hard to pass the test. I brought some old newspapers which are I borrowed from the school library. In the test, They usually asked about some worldwide knowledge about the president, movies, and many more. So I can’t say that was easy for me.

But When I asked my mom blessings if I passed the test and Go to the USA, What did she think about it? Then She said She disagree about the exchange. She was afraid if I changed to be someone else, I become someone who was liberal, and more secular though I was so nerd at home and never hung out with the guys. I am a good girl. But She didn’t believe me that much and She said no. I was so disappointed with her decision. I thought She didn’t understand me that much.

Then on the first of May, I got the AFS second test in a different high school. I was so nervous. I always say to myself. ” it’s okay if you do not succeed here Fajar, You have another chance to go”. I think I can do all the tests well but I was not sure about the result.

My school said that I failed to go to the third test which is the interview test ( final test). I asked myself, What’s wrong with me? I did my best and got this big disappointment in my life again. Why?

When I think over and over again, I know what’s wrong. My mom didn’t give me her blessings to go to the USA. That’s why I failed. all my effort feels like nothing. Hahaha.

This is an example of why we need our parents’ blessings, because without their blessings, Maybe you have some problems in the middle of the day. Just like me.

Blessings are actually mattered things for us. I mean if our parents support what we do, They’re gonna pray for us, hope for the best thing. So they can’t give you their blessings didn’t mean that She doesn’t believe you or hate you but They are worried about you. They have instincts for good or bad.

Also when you wanna marry someone, Even though you love them so much till you can sacrifice anything, it doesn’t mean that your parent won’t see you happy. They must behave different thought about the man that you loved now. Maybe his attitude, The was he behaves also the was He treat you as a partner and wife to be.

Just Make sure, before everything you do, ask your parents for blessings first before your step is far to go.

This is not about what we believe or not. But this is about how we respect our parents. Even though you’ve grown up but doesn’t mean you are thinking that mature more than your parents. Maybe in Asia, It’s a normal thing but not in the western. Blessing is a key to opening the gate. So never forget.


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