Just Talk: Don’t expect anything from Human

Have you ever felt disappointed? Disappointed with anything maybe with the one you loved, your family, your friends even your best friends.

But do you know why do you feel disappointed? Because you already set a high expectations from them. You think they will react or do thing right for you but at the end of the day, they don’t react like what you expect, they behave differently also they are not the same like the one that you expect in your mindset.

Well, Have I felt that way? Yes definitely. I think all people feel the same way, at least they feel it once or twice or many times maybe.🤔

For example: woman expects a man to be romantic to them, gentle, never hurt them. But the reality hits you differently. Maybe you get a man who doesn’t even know how to be romantic though you expect them to be romantic to you then you feel disappointed because you don’t get like what you expected. Man tends to say something what they want rather than thinking about your feeling, sometimes they use sharp words and end up hurting woman’s feeling. Then you might feel disappointed again. Then it will be the same cycle, you will disappoint again and over again.


Because you expect man to be nice, romantic and never hurt you, the reality is different. You put your expectations to human is the biggest mistake.

Well, we maybe think this way: “Oh but every person has their own expectation. Not only wife to her husband, husband to wife, child to parents, parents to their kids, also sibling to sibling. But one thing, every expectation is different. Maybe a wife wants her husband give her word of affirmation every single day, while the husband expects his wife to obey and listen to what he said. So there’s no way they meet in the middle, They need to understand each other expectation. But it will be so hard because no one talks about their expectation, but the funny thing is they want everything as good as their expectation.

So Should we expect anything from human? NO. We just need to expect anything from the one that create us, the greatest one, the best one that never fail to fulfill our expectation: GOD.

it might be easy to say than done but trust me, the more we expect something from human, the more we are gonna feel disappointed over and over again. What do you think about it? Do you still have high expectation from people around you?




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