Just Talk: Don’t expect anything from Human

Have you ever felt disappointed? Disappointed with anything maybe with the one you loved, your family, your friends even your best friends. But do you know why do you feel disappointed? Because you already set a high expectations from them. You think they will react or do thing right for you but at the end…

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Just Talk: Your Choice is Matter

As you know that life is never meant to be easy for anyone, not easy for me, for you or maybe people around you. Also life is like never ending test to anyone, problem always come, big responsibility ahead also you don’t have many choices. Sometimes we have to face a problem, but the question…

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Just Talk: Be Consistent is Tough

I was looking at my schedule that I had for the first month in 2023. It’s crowded schedule and there’s no space to be a lazy person. But sometimes life is too unpredictable that you have to handle this and that and then you run out the time. At the end of the day, you…

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Just Talk: Never Give Up On Your Dreams, Goals & Life

Someone asked me today, She said that she needs support. She needs motivation for her diet because she’s the only one in the family who did diet. It reminds me of myself, I workout since I realised my body has changed in 2019. I don’t consider myself it’s overweight because I was 55 kgs at…

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Hello June

Kisah ini berbeda dari kisah-kisah sebelumnya. Jika sebelumnya berkisah tentang sang hujan yang turun tanpa diundang, kali ini giliran sang matahari yang menguasai bumi. Jika pagi datang, langit kelabu fajar berubah menjadi terang benderang bahkan jam baru menunjukkan pukul 5 pagi hari. Udara pagi memang nyaman sekali ditemani bantal guling dan selimut tebal, ingin rasanya…

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Just Talk: Mother’s Day

Yesterday, it was a Mother’s Day in America, Australia and some countries but not in Indonesia. Mother’s Day is the day where people are buying some flowers for mom, wife even girlfriend or even step mom. It is just a day where the flowers have high demand than Valentine’s Day. Lol. I said happy Mother’s…

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Just Talk: Trial & Error

Mungkin banyak yang berpikir jika hidup ini bagaikan tes try out, sekali coba gagal, coba kali kedua masih gagal dan coba kali ketiga juga belum tentu berhasil. Terus sampai kapan kita harus gagal? Jawabannya adalah sampai berhasil, sampai tidak ada kata gagal lagi, begitulah hidup mengajarkan kita untuk tetap mencoba, terus mencoba dan berusaha semaksimal…

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Just Talk: Missing You

Rindu, itu ada karena kita mempunyai perasaan, perasaan yang kadang tak bisa di deskripsikan melalui kata-kata biasa, karena merindukan seseorang itu berat sekali, lebih berat dibanding timbangan badan yang ada di apotik terdekatmu, lebih berat dibandingkan jalan kaki ke ind*maret depan rumah, atau bisa jadi lebih berat dibanding soal matematika yang kadang sudah pasti jawabannya…

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Marhaban Yaa Ramadan

Marhaban yaa Ramadan, bulan ini adalah bulan suci, dimana setiap orang berlomba-lomba dalam kebaikan, menunaikan kebajikan serta menjauhi apa-apa saja yang dilarang atau hal-hal yang tidak disukai oleh Allah. Ramadan memang bukan bulan baru mungkin bagi kita yang sudah menyambutnya tiap tahun, namun hal ini akan berbeda dengan mereka, orang-orang yang baru mengenal Ramadan. Bukan…

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Just Talk: Nothing To Lose When You’re Being Good

This morning, I was thinking about the nightmare I got last night. Then I prayed and make dua. The fear fade away soon as I’ve done praying. Then suddenly I thought about the drama I watched last night. I watched a Korean drama last night while having dinner with my sister. We’re quite. It’s not…

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Just Talk: Beach & Sunrise

Pagi itu, kudengar sayup-sayup deburan ombak. Kakiku melangkah menyusuri gang -gang kecil, berbelok ke kanan lalu berjalan lagi menuju ke kiri, ke arah deburan ombak itu yang kian dekat menanti. Matahari belum memperlihatkan dirinya pagi ini karena masih terlalu terlena dalam tidurnya yang panjang setelah siang yang terik di hari lain yang tak terhenti. Langit…

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Just Talk: Be Grateful

I was folding the clothes while counting how much money I spent today. I was thinking how my life changed it’s like Ferris wheel. Up and down, sometimes I was down, but sometimes I was up there. Well, nobody knows what will happen in the future. Then I started thinking, how easy money come and…

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