Real Story: Back To Uluwatu, Bali

Selama seminggu berada di Vietnam adalah pengalaman yang super tidak pernah terlupakan. Menikmati masa-masa serasa orang lokal asli, bahkan menikmati makanan sehari-hari yang super sekali. Dan juga ciri khas dalam makanan orang Vietnam yakni kecap asin ala Vietnam. Rasanya berbeda sekali dengan kecap asin merek terkenal di Indonesia. Pagi itu pukul 4 pagi, Kami sudah…

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Real Story: Goes To Vietnam

Ini adalah perjalanan yang cukup mendadak. Karena masa liburan sekitar dua Minggu, dan Aku harus check out dari vila teman sekitar tanggal 6 Mei, So Aku putuskan untuk pergi bertemu teman di Vietnam. Dari Bali langsung ke Vietnam, tepatnya di Kota Ho Chi Minh. Aku bertemu sahabat sejak di bangku kuliah. Dulu kita sering kemana-mana…

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Just Talk: PMS ( Premenstrual Syndrome)

Talk about woman is quite different when we talk about men. If A Man has smooth life without any pain once in a month, They don’t get any period of course because God created them in different way also different shape of body. I was in here, feeling the pain. Well, Don’t you know that…

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Real Story: Money Runs Out And Thinking About Food

I can’t wait for the the next monday, Why? I would love to get my salary of this month after working almost 30 days, Oups, Not 30 days, because I already had a week off when Eid Mubarak comes. Well, Talk about life, Sometimes when you can’t manage your money well, before the end of…

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Real Story: Unlimited patience

I am so happy today because today is gonna be the first time of my brother work in the office. This early morning, We woke up a bit early than before, My brother asked me to iron his uniform to work, He accepted in Train Station and it is a big company, It’s State company…

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Just Talk: Bad Effect of Gadget in Daily Life

Banyak yang berpikir dengan adanya perkembangan teknologi di era sekarang, Semua akan serba mudah. Komunikasi lancar tanpa batas, tidak perlu lagi surat-menyurat layaknya orang dulu, Tak ada lagi bunyi kentongan atau bahkan burung hantu yang mengantar surat seperti yang ada di Harry Potter. Dan memang itu adalah benar, Tidak salah sama sekali. Namun dulu ketika…

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Just talk: Beauty Pageant

Are you a beauty pageant? I don’t deny it, that I get used to be a beauty pageant before. Why? Because the girl that represent your country will be motivated you to rise your nationalism. Feeling like you support one person to represent your country and makes your country proud of it. Just like seeing…

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Just Talk: Unfair Treatment

Ini Sebuah cerita tentang negriku yang selalu pilih kasih, negri yang dimana sudah bebas dari penjajahan sejak tahun 1945. Banyak pahlawan berguguran meninggalkan negri ini berganti dengan orang yang baru namun tak seheroik pahlawan masa dulu. Di negri ini tak banyak yang bisa dikatakan selain kemunduran, Baik dalam berpikir maupun teknologi. Ditambah, dengan adanya pandemi…

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Just Talk: Paid Vaccine For People

The last update about covid19 that has been mutated in some types of virus, There are B117, D614G, B1351, B1.1.317, and N439K. The expert said that the virus mutated into easy-spread virus. Even When we heard the first covid didn’t have any effect for the kids, Now the risk to get the virus especially for…

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Just Talk: Stand For Palestine

I was so sad to hear about our brother and sister in Palestine. How many children, woman and citizen has been killed and got bomb every year by Israel. It happened more than years by years and never got any solutions. What’s the other country say about this situation? All what they did just cursed…

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Real Story: Anemia

Ini adalah ceritaku yang nyata. 2 minggu sebelum lebaran tiba, Aku merasakan hal yang aneh yang terjadi pada tubuhku. Aku sering pusing, Wajahku semakin pucat tiap harinya serta nafsu makanku hilang entah kemana, Aku tak tahu. Ditambah dengan menurunnya nafsu minumku terhadap air putih. Biasanya perhari bisa kuhabiskan sekitar 2 liter air lebih namun sekarang…

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Eid Mubarak is Coming Soon

When You see the mall or big supermarket, people are super crowded around the mall. They are shopping like a crazy people. I know why, I mean the mall make a big sale in the Eid Mubarak because the majority of people are Muslim. No wonder when you go to cashier, You need to wait…

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