Real Story: Day- 3 Isolation

What am I feeling now? I looked so pale like a death people, well not that pale but the symptoms of covid19 in my body changed so quickly. 🙄 It’s been 2 days since I had fever and my nose block. The fever has gone already, I was still eating the medicine and also vitamin…

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Real Story: Day-2 Isolation

Aku masih berbaring diranjang yang sama. Hari itu sepertinya semua tampak normal, napsu makan masih normal juga cara bernapas juga masih normal. Di samping bantal dan bantal yang kugunakan tersedia berbagai obat dan ramuan ajaib serta termos biru besar persediaan minumku. Ada vitamin C, D, hingga british propolis yang harganya sama sekali tidak murah dan…

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Real Story: Day 1 Isolation

The Clinic gave my antigen result (covid19 test) in 5 minutes. They put cotton bud inside of my nose and made me about to cry 😅😂. I said to myself, I don’t wanna do the test anymore, it hurts. Before I reached the house, I told to everyone just like my sisters, mom and some…

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Real Story: They Said I Got Covid19

Hey guys, Today is not my lucky day and is not a good day for me. That’s started since the boss called me last night. “Can I call you?” He said Well, I said okay because he said it is an important thing. I was just guessing what the important news is. Then He said…

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Book Review: Bokutachi No Unmei (Takdir Kita) By Orihara Ran

“Dia bukan sekedar gadis aneh yang tidak memiliki emosi. Dia memiliki sense yang unik dalam berakting. Itulah kesan pertama Asaoka Ichi, Artis yang terkenal dengan kemampuan akting dan gayanya yang cool, terhadap lawan mainnya dalam drama “Bokutachi Bo Unmei” Hinagizawa Kanon. Gadis yang tidak pernah lepas dari snack stik Pocky itu seakan-akan tidak memiliki emosi….

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Real Story: Teachers I Hate The Most

Talk about teacher when you studied since elementary till college. Do you have kind of teacher that really “killer”? I mean teacher that you don’t like the most. Well, To be honest, I have many here. But most of them are Math teacher. I don’t know why, The first time is because I don’t like…

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Real Story: My Beloved Teachers

This lately, I’ve been working for 2 years in this property, I felt like this is the longest job that I ever had. This moment, I was missing the school so much. Almost 4 years since I’ve graduated from the college. When I was jobless that time, I always miss the school, study and the…

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Just Talk: Reading Needs Intention and Habit

Sejak kecil Aku berada dalam lingkungan keluarga yang suka baca, Aku masih ingat pertama kalinya SD (sekolah Dasar) Ibu guru mengajari kami membaca. That’s fun. Seperti kata yang simple dan sehari-hari misal saja. Ini Ibu Budi, Itu Ibu Ani. 😀 Aku masih teringat guru Bahasa Indonesiaku yang bernama Bu Las, Bu Las adalah guru paling…

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Just Talk: Hate Comments And Bullying

Nowdays, People love doing their activity online, Whatever the context maybe You work, You talk to your friends even order some food online. Everything seems so easier than before, No need to write a letter to your friend like I did, Haha. But I love writing letter tho. Then everything since virtual, Even when you…

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Just Talk: Big Sale 7/7! Shopping Time

Hari ini adalah hari dimana semua wanita di Indonesia senangnya minta ampun, Kenapa? Well hari ini adalah hari diskon besar-besaran, Bukan hanya seribu atau dua ribu diskonnya tapi diskon biasanya bisa up to 90%, Gilaa nggak tuh? Tapi kadang Aku tertipu guys, Katanya nih ongkir alias ongkos kirimnya nol rupiah, Ealah ternyata juga nggak ada…

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Just Talk: Buy Gold in E-commerce, Is It Halal?

Baru-baru ini banyak para seller ataupun para masyarakat yang tergiur dengan beli apa dapat emas, walaupun emasnya 0,05 gram aja guys kalau ditaksir harganya sekitar 70 sampai 80 ribu per keping super duper kecil emas dan belinya di e-commerce entah itu emasnya erupa emas antham, mini gold, AOA atau misal emas-emas yang lain. Apakah kalian…

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Real Story: Cold Outside And Inside

These days, I felt so cold since night to Morning because the weather is so unpredictable. I don’t know why, What happened but this world has changed a lot in this days. Even in other part of the world, For example in Australia mostly in Sydney, They feel cold at night till morning even the…

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